On Jul 17, 2012, at 12:15 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

> On 7/16/12 11:53 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
>> Re this thread: http://markmail.org/message/uzs5bu3r5oby2fza
>> I did indeed remove the download link to Java entirely.
>> Why? Well there are at least 2 versions of Java which may be of interest to
>> our user base --
>> Oracle Java. and OpenJDK.
>> Given the discussion in the thread referenced above, our other page with
>> information on java,
>> http://www.openoffice.org/download/common/java.html
>> does need some changes.
>> Linux
>> As far as I know, there appear to be NO issues with either Oracle Java 7 or
>> OpenJDK with Linux 32 bit. I can't find much on our lists about Linux 64
>> bit and/or java 7 64 bit.
>> Windows
>> OK, some reports about problems with 64 bit Oracle Java and AOO 3.4. After
>> reviewing the bug reports, the jury is still out on if this is the fault of
>> an extension or not. So, we should make folsk aware that there MAY be
>> problems with 64 bit Windows and 64 bit Java 7. Oddly, the same problems
>> don't seem to surface with the 32 bit Java 7 under Windows.
>> Mac OS X
>> Currently, Apple is still/only distributing java 1.6, so no red flags here
>> that I could fine.
>> OpenJDK 7 is also available for Mac OS X. I can't find any reporting from
>> users who might have this combination.
>> At any rate, no reported issues with Mac and Oracle java 1.6 except for
>> initial setup issues -- can't find the JRE.
>> So, I propose we make changes to:
>> http://www.openoffice.org/download/common/java.html
>> specifically mentioning the Win 64 bit with Oracle 7 Java 64 bit problems.
>> Additionally, we could supply links to both the Oracle Java site --
>> http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp
>> and the OpenJDK site -- http://openjdk.java.net/
>> Unless there are any objections, I could go ahead and make these changes by
>> the end of this week, Friday.
> I agree in general to you and thanks for summarizing this topic. I have
> only one point to add, why should we mention potential problems that we
> can't reproduce? In this case I would not mention it, it would be
> different if we couldn't fix the problem. But we simply can't reproduce it.

Please check the following bugzilla which claims a way to reproduce:

(XHTML exports and JDBC connections seem to be the trouble)


         Priority: P3
           Bug ID: 120275
         Assignee: ooo-iss...@incubator.apache.org
          Summary: AOO 3.4 requires Java6 on 64bit Windows platforms
         Severity: normal
       Issue Type: DEFECT
   Classification: Code
               OS: Windows, all
         Reporter: ville...@t-online.de
         Hardware: PC
           Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Version: AOO 3.4.0
        Component: definition
          Product: api

There have been various reports on the user.services.openoffice.org forum that
AOO(or LibO) does not play well with Java7(32bit) on Windows(64bit) systems.
I could reproduce the problem ("No Java installation found") with a fresh AOO
install on a Windows 2008 server and Java7(32).
With Java6 I could run XHTML exports and JDBC connections.


> Juergen

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