On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Keith N. McKenna
<keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
> With the release of OSX Mountain Lion and its new Gatekeeper feature I
> wanted to ask if any thought had been given by the community of applying to
> Apple for a Developer ID. My limited understanding is that by signing the
> installation files with the Developer ID it automatically unlocks the
> gatekeeper and allows the application to run. Otherwise there is a short
> process that one must go through to change the security settings for the
> application allowing it to open.

We'd like to do code signing, not only for Mac but for Windows as
well.   Signed installers are the new normal and are expected by
browser, anti-virus scanners and increasingly by operating systems.

Although we have volunteers willing to do the build integration work,
and funds available for acquiring certificates, we've been told that
individual Apache projects may not do their own signing. The Apache
Infrastructure team is trying to figure out some way that this can be
done centrally.  But no estimate for when this will happen.



> Based on a question in the user mailing list I am adding a link to the
> Release Notes in the known problems section on how to make the required
> change.
> Regards
> Keith

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