On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
<orwittm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 15.08.2012 16:00, Dave Fisher wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apologies to the Apache Infra team, the load caused by implementing
>> INFRA-5112 caused trouble.
>> The changes to update*.services.openoffice.org to point to
>> www.openoffice.org
>> was reverted.
>> This was due to added load on the Apache Infrastructure.
>> Before we can proceed with INFRA-5112 and INFRA-5144 we absolutely must
>> have
>> some estimates about the volume of requests that will be received.
> When I saw the problems on www.openoffice.org in the morning I already
> suggested that this might be related to the established redirects. I
> reported my assumption at #asfinfra in the morning.
> If I remembering it correct, Kay S. and Joe S. already observed something
> like this earlier this year.
> Unfortunately, I can not provide any volume.
> In the past more than 100 million download of OpenOffice.org package had
> been counted by the OpenOffice.org community. I do not know how much OOo
> installation are really active and how the distribution between the
> different versions are.
> What I know is the following:
> (1) update38.services.openoffice.org is used by OOo 3.4 Beta and released
> AOO 3.4 - a redirect for it has been established at 2012-05-21 and the
> traffic can be handled.
> (2) update36.services.openoffice.org is used by OOo 3.3 - a redirect for it
> has been established at 2012-06-04 and the traffic can be handled.
> (3) update35|34.services.openoffice.org is used by OOo 3.2.1 and OOo 3.2 -
> redirects for then have been established at 2012-07-12 and the traffic can
> be handled.
> (4) update33.services.openoffice.org is _not_ used - a redirect is _not_
> necessary. Does occur any traffic on this URL?
> (5) update32.services.openoffice.org is used by OOo 3.1.1 and OOo 3.1 - a
> redirect has been requested and was established today. Due to the server
> load it has been reverted. Is the traffic data available?
> (6) update31.services.openoffice.org is _not_ used - a redirect is _not_
> necessary. Does occur any traffic on this URL?
> (7) update30.services.openoffice.org is used by OOo 3.0.1 and OOo 3.0. Does
> occur any traffic on this URL?
> (8) update.services.openoffice.org seems to be used by OOo 2.x version (at
> least my test installation of OOo 2.2 uses it). Is the traffic data
> available? When I remember it correct Kay S. and Joe S. observed the above
> mentioned problems earlier this year with this URL.
> Is it possible that somebody from the Apache Infrastructure can provide a
> view on which URL the traffic load was soo high that the servers got in
> trouble?

That would be good to know.  Once we know we could verify behavior
with a change to a local hosts file.  One scenario that could
conceivably cause a problem would be if some old version of OOo
behaved badly when it gets a 404 error, such as getting into a retry
loop.   We know this did not happen for OOo 3.3.0, 3.2.1 or 3.2.0.
But it is worth confirming with earlier versions, if the HTTP logs
suggest this is happening.


> Best regards, Oliver.

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