
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 05:25:15PM +0800, dongjun zong wrote:
> If worried about API documentation is too long, provide a link in API doc
> is need. Paramether valid value list is basic  part of API docs.
> Please see a MS office API docs for example "
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg264840";. It list all the values
> could be use by the method.

This example simply shows some constant values that are used for ActionX
and ActionY. We also have constant values in AOO API, see for example

[in] long SearchFlags are

Constant values can be part of an API specification. But in this thread
you where asking to document filter names, this is completely different.
The API specification only says it's a string, with the *internal*
filter name. It is imposible to list here all posible strings, not
only/mainly because they are too much, but because this is
implementation specific: the list of filter supported by implementation
A may not match those by implementation B, the list is not a constant
set of values (besides, AOO API does not allow string constants).

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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