On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 4:35 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> as you have probably noticed I have started a VOTE for our AOO 3.4.1
> release. We should prepare everything for next week to have it in place
> if the 2 VOTEs (PPMC + IPMC) will pass successful.
> ToDo's
> 1. Release Notes, already available. Potentially some updates or
> improvements have to be integrated
> 2. upload of the binaries on dist -> prepared and ready to start
> 3. changing the download page, adapt download logic -> ???
> 3.1 changed logic for the former 3.4 download -> they move to
> archive.apache.org -> do we need to change something, we download via
> Sourceforge?
> 4. prepare announcement for the announcement list and the various social
> medias
> 5. ... what else?
> 6. be happy
> Juergen
I think we're good with all this. I can take care of additional mods to the
release notes, and I'm pretty sure Marcus was already dealing with 3. and
3.1 items here.


"Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think."
Niels Bohr

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