On 16 August 2012 19:06, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> https://blogs.apache.org/preview/OOo/?previewEntry=announcing_apache_openoffice_3_4
> Comments are welcome.

I found

"Support for Windows XP-Windows 8 (32-bit)"

a bit difficult to read at first. Perhaps put

"Support for Windows from XP up to Windows 8 (32-bit)"

> Some updates I know we'll need are:
> 1) The 11 million downloads claim will go to 12 or 13 depending on
> when we release
> 2) The defect fix count should be updated.  Does anyone have an
> accurate count?  I think we want to count only net bugs fixed compared
> to AOO 3.4.0, not bugs that we both introduced and fixed in AOO 3.4.1.
> Perhaps we can take comments for a day or so, and I'll update to
> reflect feedback.  At that point volunteers might prepare
> translations.   Any translations we have at release time I can link to
> from the blog post.
> Regards,
> -Rob

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