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On 21 Aug 2012, at 17:40, Rob Weir wrote:

> As we perform the final preparations to release Apache OpenOffice
> 3.4.1 it is a good time to look ahead to the future.  A big
> opportunity is OpenOffice 4.0.  That once seemed so very far away, but
> 2013 is getting closer every day.   Will it be a large collection of
> small ideas?  Will it have a major overarching theme?  Or will it just
> be whatever random stuff we happen to have on a given date when we
> release 4.0?   The answer, of course, depends on what we, as project
> members/volunteers decide to do.   It is a good time now, as a
> background activity, to poll the community and wider ecosystem on
> ideas for Apache OpenOffice 4.0.
> To participate, go to this page on Google Moderator, where you can
> help us gather and rate ideas:
> https://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=2011d5
> A few project members have already "seeded" this with some initial
> ideas. Of course, you are encouraged to add your own ideas, as well as
> rate the ideas of others.   Try not to censor yourself from thinking
> outside-of-the-box.  We need big ideas as well as incremental ones.
> We don't have a close date on this brainstorming activity, but it is
> good to get your ideas in early, so there is an opportunity for others
> to rate and comment on it.
> Regards,
> -Rob
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