2012/9/10 Joost Andrae <joost.and...@gmx.de>

> Hi,
> just to shorten this thread: There is already a possibility to add clipart
> to AOO by using the extension mechanism. Just have a look at the extensions
> page and search for clipart:
> http://extensions.services.**openoffice.org<http://extensions.services.openoffice.org>
>  I think we probably don't want bundle it with AOO directly. I can think
>>> of an extended gallery implementation where it is possible to hook
>>> online galleries as well.
> Bundling clipart unnecessarily enlarges the download. Additionally clipart
> bundles need to be proof checked against content that might be politically
> incorrect based on local laws. Just remember that symbols of the german WW2
> regime are not allowed to be used in Germany. Clipart collections
> containing flags _must_ include the officially used flags containing no
> design changes. In Germany eg. it is fined by monetary penalty or by prison
> sentence of max. 3 years (StGB §90a) if someone denounces the colours, the
> flag, the emblem or the anthem of Germany. I believe similar laws do exist
> in other countries as well.
>> +1 (for Clipart as well as Template). AOO should provide a kind of
>> capability (with extensions) to easily search or browse the online
>> resources. It is another perspective of Cloud/Social Integration value.
> Why do you think it is a good idea to integrate cloud services or social
> media into AOO ? I'm not convinced at all. People should decide themselves
> which services they want to have added to AOO. And there are already
> several cloud based service providers that provide extensions for AOO (like
> teamdrive.com). Using extensions for such service integrations is an
> appropriate way.

Sorry that my post was too short. Let me explain the ideal scenario in my

1. When I installed a clean AOO, I hope to have 10~20 most frequent used
build-in cliparts in local repository from AOO installation package.
2. But from time to time, I may want to look for more cliparts. So I hope
to have a button like "Search more cliparts on XXX". (XXX maybe any website
that provide clipart library, e.g. Open Clipart, Google, Baidu...)
3. I clicked on the button and searched the clipart I want. (Remember
different site may categorize their cliparts in different way.)
4. I insert the clipart I searched out to my document.
5. I like the searched out clipart very much and believe I will use it
frequently. So I stored this clipart to my local repository.
6. <Advanced> I get notified for new/hot cliparts.

With the scenario above:
1. should be provided by AOO.
2, 3 & 6 should be provided by an extension specific to a clipart site that
I installed later. If I want the capability to search in multiple sites, I
may need to install multiple extensions. (Or any better suggestion?)
4 & 5, should be from the extension, but AOO should provide interface for
good user experience (e.g. the capability to add a clipart to local
repository with a drag&drop).

- Simon

>  - Simon
>>> Ok in case of OpenClipart it raises the question how it should be
>>> organized/presented to our users. But allowing access to the online
>>> resources will guarantee that we are up-to-date.
> The extension framework should be able to guarantee that an extension is
> up-to-date, you know...
> Kind regards, Joost

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