Hi Simon,

Sorry that my post was too short. Let me explain the ideal scenario in my

1. When I installed a clean AOO, I hope to have 10~20 most frequent used
build-in cliparts in local repository from AOO installation package.

+1 like page decoration elements (lines, edges, etc.)

2. But from time to time, I may want to look for more cliparts. So I hope
to have a button like "Search more cliparts on XXX". (XXX maybe any website
that provide clipart library, e.g. Open Clipart, Google, Baidu...)

I don't like the idea to integrate a link to external pages as long as the link is static and as long as it is not editable. There is already a link to the extensions website on the front page of AOO. Using extensions as a container for cliparts allows to use the update functionality of the extension framework.

3. I clicked on the button and searched the clipart I want. (Remember
different site may categorize their cliparts in different way.)

If we add an "Add Clipart" button to http://extensions.openoffice.org/taxonomy/term/169 would surely satisfy your demand.

4. I insert the clipart I searched out to my document.

Clipart extensions integrate clipart into the Gallery.

5. I like the searched out clipart very much and believe I will use it
frequently. So I stored this clipart to my local repository.
6. <Advanced> I get notified for new/hot cliparts.

Ads ?

With the scenario above:
1. should be provided by AOO.
2, 3 & 6 should be provided by an extension specific to a clipart site that
I installed later. If I want the capability to search in multiple sites, I
may need to install multiple extensions. (Or any better suggestion?)
4 & 5, should be from the extension, but AOO should provide interface for
good user experience (e.g. the capability to add a clipart to local
repository with a drag&drop).

You can add any graphic to the Gallery via drag&drop but I saw that the drag&drop handler includes eg. SVG files from a browser as bmp to the gallery. I think someone needs to improve this to have the drag&drop handler to carry the original drawing format.

Kind regards, Joost

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