[Part 2 of tips for list moderators]


Since the request is sent as an e-mail, each moderator receives the same 

The first moderation wins.  You'll receive a notice if your moderation arrives 
when another moderator's action has already been taken.  That doesn't happen 
very often.

The moderation request has the message being moderated as an attachment.  Be 
careful with it.  

I will cover only moderation requests here.  Subscription requests for private 
lists are rather tricky.


If the message is clearly spam, IGNORE IT.  Using the moderation-request 
rejection option will send a message back to the original sender.  That is 
undesirable.  It confirms to spammers that they've reached a working e-mail 
address.  Don't do that.


As a moderator, I don't make it my job to handle messages that appear 
legitimate but are sent to the wrong list.  List subscribers can do that.  And 
if this is happening too much, it suggests that something needs to be done to 
help submitters find the correct place more easily.

What I do is moderate the message onto the list.  I have rarely used the reject 
option, and only when I am confident the e-mail is from a legitimate sender.

There are two basic ways to moderate a message onto the list.  

 1. The message can be accepted in accordance with the instructions in the 
moderation-request e-mail.  That is a one-time acceptance.

 2. Another way is to accept that message and all future messages to the list 
from that sender.

The way to accept all messages from the sender is to make a REPLY ALL to the 
moderation-request message.  That is, your reply to the request is addressed to 
both the accept and the reject addresses.  (This solution is not always listed 
in the -help message.  It works though.) You will have to delete the 
"non-disclosed-recipients" e-mail address if that appears in your "Reply All" 

 3. An alternative is to send a rejection with explanation.  That is probably 
not great.  The messages from the robot are lengthy and cryptic.  It may be 
difficult for the original sender.

 4. Finally, you can reply to the attachment and be helpful directly.  I've 
done that.  I don't make a practice of it.  It moves response and awareness of 
the kinds of questions from the list to the moderator.  If you *do* do this, it 
is wise to copy <listname>-owner@ so that other moderators will know what 
happened.  It is also good to check the list to verify that some other 
moderator did not already allow the message through.


I recommend the second moderation-in technique for these.  This can also happen 
when a list subscriber uses a different e-mail than the one they have 
subscribed to the list.


 - Dennis

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