Thanks, TJ. That is a great point. That can be done with our lists, too.
The only ones I reported, with considerable difficulty, were Linked In connection requests sent to ooo-private and ooo-users. - Dennis -----Original Message----- From: TJ Frazier [] Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 15:24 To: Subject: Re: Moderating AOO Public Lists - #2 Moderation [ ... ] When moderating a couple of OO.o lists in their dying days, I took a more aggressive approach to spammers. If they were sending from any of the large U.S. ISPs (MS, Google, Yahoo, ATT, et al.) I would follow the complaint procedure to try to get the account closed. (This is a little different for the different companies: MS wants attachments, while others want pasted parts of the offending email.) MS in particular is polite about it; I'd get a note saying that the account has been closed. Others say thanks, but cite privacy regs, which I consider bogus; nonetheless, I don't recall ever getting any more spam from a complained-about account, if the ISP acked the complaint. Note that this requires careful analysis of the internal headers: the main address is often munged, and you need to go way down to the last "received from" header. I have a little list of useful URLs to look up IP owners and ISP complaint addresses, if anybody wants it. One real success was with a number of spammers from a .edu address. The admin I wrote to replied politely that the situation would be handled, and it was: their spam vanished. This kind of work takes some time, but it makes the Net better for everybody, not just our ML. /tj/