Hi Jesper,

Jesper Thomsen schrieb:
Hi Apache Team,

"Apache Team" is not the right term for us. We are individual persons belonging to the incubating OpenOffice project.

Roozz is a Danish startup and we have a technology that can turn Windows
desktop software into online browser versions running in any Windows OS and
any browser.

We think it could be great for your users to have OpenOffice as an
in-browser version. We have so far not looked at converting it in detail,
but we believe there are very good chances we can make it run at native

Does this mean, that Apache OpenOffice needs to be installed and you use it when documents are shown/altered inside the browser? Or is it more like WebODF on client side? Are the documents editable inside the browser or is it a kind of ODF viewer?

Before we spend too much time, would you be interested in joining forces
with us and provide such a version from your site?

As far as I know, it is not be possible to provide it from our site, unless your development becomes a project in Apache. We provide the source of Apache OpenOffice and some localized, ready to use binaries.

 Alternatively, would be
allowed to distribute it from our side using a name such as "Roozz Office
Suite Powered by Apache OpenOffice" (or similar - as per the example on
your site). There are of course no costs of any kind to you.

I am excited to hear what you think of this - thanks in advance.

As the ODF format becomes more and more known and Google has it as file type, such application might be useful. It is the purpose of the Apache license, that you can do all such exciting things with the code. And this mailing list is indeed the place, to get help if needed.

Kind regards

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