On 13 September 2012 10:23, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/13/12 10:48 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2012 10:44:46 +0200
>> Raphael Bircher <rbirc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Am 13.09.12 10:34, schrieb Rory O'Farrell:
>>>> In most implementations of OpenOffice the configuration information is 
>>>> accessed through /Tools /Options. On a Mac, this information is accessible 
>>>> through Preferences.  This other path causes great confusion for Mac users 
>>>> when the problem advisor does not notice the use of the different 
>>>> operating system.
>>>> Is there any reason why Macs use that path, and would it be possible to 
>>>> use the conventional /Tools /Options path on new builds, instead of, or as 
>>>> well as, the usual Preferences path on Macs?
>>> Mac has UI Guide Lines who are much stronger then on many other Systems.
>>> One of this Guide line is to keep any settings in the Preferences. It's
>>> on the same places on any Mac Programm. You confuse all experianced Mac
>>> Users, if you change this.
>>> So a big -100 from my side.
>>> We should maybe create a Tutorial about the differences.
>>> Greetings Raphael
>> Thank you for the explanation, Raphael.  Would it be a good idea to provide 
>> _as well_ the standard /Tools /Options?  Then Mac users would have the best 
>> of both worlds!
> I don't think so but we can do better to explain such useful
> differentiation. Our goal should be to keep the UI simple or better to
> make it more intuitive.

+1 - Already menus have so many options it is difficult to find things.
In principle better to reduce lists and replace with graphical
dialogue boxes with context sensitive help.

> We have many features that are not easy to find
> yet and before we duplicate entries I would prefer to use the space for
> something else.
> In this specific case I think that Mac Users are aware of this
> difference and of course would expect it where it is now. See for
> example Firefox where it is done in the same way. We want to be a good
> citizen on the Mac platform and will integrate in the best way we can.
> There is still work to do.
> Juergen


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