
I was going through FAQ's and other pages on the AOO (incubating) site
and noticed that many still are showing that we support Windows 2000 as
a baseline operating system. I though I remembered some discussions a
while back on this list around that subject and thought we had decided
that we would no longer do that due to lack of testing resources.

I went back through the archives and did find a number of threads but
they never seemed to reach a definite conclusion. I we are going to
continue to support it all well and good, but if we cannot then all
FAQ's and other documentation on the site should change to reflect that.

IMO if it is technically feasible then AOO should further support this legacy operating system - even if there is a restricted QA resouce for this OS. But I doubt that updates within the Windows development libraries will allow this for a longer time. StarOffice and OpenOffice.org had defined a rigid baseline to support legacy operating systems as long as the development libraries allowed a secure environment for Windows, Linux and for Solaris. Some environments had to be given-up (like support for Solaris on Sun SparcStations) because security leaks, newer C++ compilers and performance enhancements of newer libraries didn't allow to support the former library baseline. But if it doesn't hurt, then "why not" to support it....

It is very important for the whole project to further support a development environment baseline.

...just an opinion...

Kind regards, Joost

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