There is already a problem with the work around suggested...
Looks like including the dll like other applications provided by
Mozilla, Intuit, MS, etc is the only way to go.
Could that be because msvcr100.dll is already, what... 5 years old?
Looks like even more problems are on the horizon too. A new version of
VC++ was released a few days ago. Better get that redist and include the
msvcr*.dll from that too. It's only a matter of time before Java devs
switch their programming tools and libraries to remain current. It would
be a good idea to future proof for that.
The information is out there already, the suggestions on the most
insecure way to make it work. Install old, insecure, outdated Java. It
would be much better for users to not have the problem in the first
place, and it work right out of the box, even if it means including a
few extra redistributable files. You already include them for the
previous two major updates to java, why stop now? 

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012, at 06:57 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
> Hi 
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 02:30:01PM -0700, wrote:
> > Until the political/technical issues of how to fix it during install are
> > worked out, why not put a warning or note on the main download page. "If
> > your Java version is 6.35 or above, you will need to download and
> > install the C++ redistributable (Link to the download page at MS)." This
> There is already a "Known Issues" section in the Release Notes:
> Now that the root cause, and the work-around, are known, it can be
> updated.
> > would still turn off a couple of new users because they don't want to
> > jump through hoops to just make things work, but will eliminate the ones
> > who follow directions from having to see the "Java is corrupt" (Which is
> > a horrid, horrid error to present to an end user IMHO) error when they
> > want to use Base, Help or a wizard.
> Unfortunately, most users seem to simply download the software, and not
> read the Release Notes; but at least it's a place where people can
> be pointed to.
> Regards
> -- 
> Ariel Constenla-Haile
> La Plata, Argentina
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