
Yong Lin Ma schrieb:

I would like to save you the effort to make the change, even if it
won't cost much.

The key thing here is we should be careful and avoid opening duplicate
or invalid issues as many as we can.

I would like to see some concrete examples, especially invalid issues.
And see if this is pervasive for all the reporters who have confirm

I will not blame single reporters here, please look yourself.

You can search this way:
Switch to "Advanced Search"
Near the bottom of the page expand "Custom Search"
From the first drop down list choose "Resolution", from the second list "changed to", and in the third field write INVALID, or write DUPLICATE or -if you want both- list them as INVALID,DUPLICATE.

To constrain your search to a specific period, for example issues since April, use a second row. From first drop down list choose "Creation date", from second list "is greater than or equal to", and in the third field write a date in ISO form, for example "2012-04-01".


If the reporter is not shown in the bug list, scroll to the end of the bug list and click on "Change Columns". Move "Reporter" from the left list to the right list.

Kind regards

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