On 23/09/12 20:07, Raphael Bircher wrote:

This is not a general answare, it's my personal option only. First of
all, I'm happy, that you like Apache OpenOffice. Thanks for using it,
and thanks for your feedback.

Now about the Web Development Tool. For my point of view a clear no.
First, it's not realy the task of a Office Suite to create webpages. 2.
There are other tools who are only focused on this. For Exemple
BlueGriffon (Open Source) or Dreamweaver (Proprietary). 3. Only a verry
small Userbase from the over all user base will use it. You need to
know, this is not a easy feature. A compleet WYSIWYG Web Editor is a
very complex programm, and compleet defferent from a Office Suite. This
means, that we have to add a load of new code wich makes our software
fat. This can not be our goal.

To make a good program, you have to concentrate on one area. With a
Office Suite we have allready a bit area. So I see no reason, why we
should extend it. As said, this is my personal Option. Other people
probabily have different points of views.

Greetings Raphael

I agree 100%. We can't keep adding in everything that someone thinks would be cool to include in AOO, such as project planning, DTP and the other range of things we get asked about over at the forums. It is much better to use a dedicated program for these tasks. Good open-source tools already exist to satisfy these needs.

Am 23.09.12 18:34, schrieb D Wiemers:

      My name is Daniel Wiemers. I have been using Open office for the last 6 
months, and I love it! I wanted to tell you how much I like it, and thank you 
for the time and effort you have devoted in developing it.

      Have you ever thought to make a web development tool like Microsoft Front 
Page? I think it would be a wonderful addition to Open Office, and many people 
would find it very useful as Front Page seems to have been left unfinished, 
convoluted, confusing, and frustrating. I think a lot of people would like to 
make basic web pages, maybe with some buttons, a background, videos, java, 
stuff like that, and I have found that finding good web development tools, even 
if you are willing to pay a lot of money for them, is not easy. I really like 
Open Office, and I find it easy to use and easy to learn. I think Open Office 
would be a great company to make a shareware web development tool, that is easy 
to use and easy to learn.

Thank you,


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