On 9/23/12, D Wiemers <dgw17...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>      My name is Daniel Wiemers. I have been using Open office for the last 6
> months, and I love it! I wanted to tell you how much I like it, and thank
> you for the time and effort you have devoted in developing it.
>      Have you ever thought to make a web development tool like Microsoft
> Front Page? I think it would be a wonderful addition to Open Office, and
> many people would find it very useful as Front Page seems to have been left
> unfinished, convoluted, confusing, and frustrating. I think a lot of people
> would like to make basic web pages, maybe with some buttons, a background,
> videos, java, stuff like that, and I have found that finding good web
> development tools, even if you are willing to pay a lot of money for them,
> is not easy. I really like Open Office, and I find it easy to use and easy
> to learn. I think Open Office would be a great company to make a shareware
> web development tool, that is easy to use and easy to learn.
> Thank you,
> -Daniel

There are some core challenges in achieving this from the way the OOo
is builted. One of the biggest issues is thte old HTML4 rendering
engine as well as Javascript. Is pretty outdated and a major update
should be done for these engine.

Then is also the logic which is adding a better support for
Javascript, CSS. Right now Writer (which is the base for Web) uses
some Javascrpt. you can add Javascript to the OOWriter document. But
is simply a very simple editor dialog which is less than impressive.

Finally there is the project view, which involves more than one file.
This would require OO to read folders and files to be able to 'speak'
to the server. Right now all this functionality is provided by a
sister project at Sun (back in the days) called NetBeans.

Alexandro Colorado
PPMC Apache OpenOffice

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