On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Keith N. McKenna
<keith.mcke...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Greetings All;
> I was going through FAQ's and other pages on the AOO (incubating) site and
> noticed that many still are showing that we support Windows 2000 as a
> baseline operating system. I though I remembered some discussions a while
> back on this list around that subject and thought we had decided that we
> would no longer do that due to lack of testing resources.
> I went back through the archives and did find a number of threads but they
> never seemed to reach a definite conclusion. I we are going to continue to
> support it all well and good, but if we cannot then all FAQ's and other
> documentation on the site should change to reflect that.

Ah, I just had an idea.  Google Analytics tells us how many users are
running Windows 2000.  It gets that info from the browser agent header
in the HTTP requests.  If I look at all website visits since AOO 3.4.0
was released the breakdown for Windows users is:

7       58.83%  
XP      29.74%
Vista   10.31%
NT      0.62%
Server 2003     0.36%
2000    0.13%
98      0.01%
ME      0.00%
CE      0.00%
(not set)       0.00%
95      0.00%

So, 0.13% are running Windows 2000.

When thinking of whether  we "support" a platform or not, a question
to consider:  If a serious security flaw were found tomorrow that only
impacted AOO 3.4.1 running on Windows 2000, would we drop everything
to develop a patch?

If not, then we don't really "support" a platform.  IMHO we need to be
careful about how we put our name, brand and reputation behind the
word "support".  If it means something at all it means that if we
screw up the brand is hurt.  So we should only claim support for
things that we are confident of.


> Regards
> Keith

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