Recently, I didn't see anyone testing our product on Windows 2000, at least
as I know active QA are not doing any testing against this platform,
therefore can we say we have no former testing on this platform. And if any
user report a Win2K special issue, what's priority to us to fix it?

2012/9/28 Rob Weir <>

> On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Keith N. McKenna
> <> wrote:
> > Greetings All;
> >
> > I was going through FAQ's and other pages on the AOO (incubating) site
> and
> > noticed that many still are showing that we support Windows 2000 as a
> > baseline operating system. I though I remembered some discussions a while
> > back on this list around that subject and thought we had decided that we
> > would no longer do that due to lack of testing resources.
> >
> > I went back through the archives and did find a number of threads but
> they
> > never seemed to reach a definite conclusion. I we are going to continue
> to
> > support it all well and good, but if we cannot then all FAQ's and other
> > documentation on the site should change to reflect that.
> >
> Ah, I just had an idea.  Google Analytics tells us how many users are
> running Windows 2000.  It gets that info from the browser agent header
> in the HTTP requests.  If I look at all website visits since AOO 3.4.0
> was released the breakdown for Windows users is:
> 7       58.83%
> XP      29.74%
> Vista   10.31%
> NT      0.62%
> Server 2003     0.36%
> 2000    0.13%
> 98      0.01%
> ME      0.00%
> CE      0.00%
> (not set)       0.00%
> 95      0.00%
> So, 0.13% are running Windows 2000.
> When thinking of whether  we "support" a platform or not, a question
> to consider:  If a serious security flaw were found tomorrow that only
> impacted AOO 3.4.1 running on Windows 2000, would we drop everything
> to develop a patch?
> If not, then we don't really "support" a platform.  IMHO we need to be
> careful about how we put our name, brand and reputation behind the
> word "support".  If it means something at all it means that if we
> screw up the brand is hurt.  So we should only claim support for
> things that we are confident of.
> -Rob
> > Regards
> > Keith
> >


Thanks & Best Regards, Yan Ji

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