I notice that Apache Forrest does use the Apache feather: there are three of 
them stood on their quills as if they are a small stand of trees.

It seems to me that the incorporation of the feather can be a little strained.  
The cases where it is in shadow, on the other hand, are easy to overlook.

The orb with stylized gulls is very convenient at a lot of sizes and formats, 
including as a download button, an icon on directory entries on downloaded exe 
and oxt files, etc.  If the feather is to be a feature of that, it will be 

It would be useful to see some examples, as Kay suggests.

 - Dennis

PS: I also wonder whether generic icons should be part of the source release 
and distinct icons be used in the Apache-provided "authentic" builds.  In that 
case, it would be great if the generic icons did not have the feather in any 
way. That's a half-baked notion, and it simply might not be acceptable.  It is 
something I wonder about -- differentiating builds produced by the project from 
ones produced in some other manner and the source only having the generic icons.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kay Schenk [mailto:kay.sch...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 15:30
To: OOo Apache
Subject: [WWW] Do we need a new site logo (for graduation) -- call for 

We all love the orb with gulls, but maybe it's time for a slight update 
to our logo? Or the header line on our websites (project and user portal).

I took a look around at some of the Apache projects and the use of 
project logos and web site headers seems to fall into a few different 

Sites using Apache feather but not in product logo --


Sites incorporating feather logo into an existing logo --

http://ofbiz.apache.org/ (???)

Sites not making overt use of any Apache logo (feather) --

So, any preferences? Ideas?

There already exists a AOOLogo proposal page,

so we could just add items to this, or change some that are here, or add 
a child page, etc.


"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back
  doesn't mean the circus has left town."
                     -- George Carlin

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