2012/10/12 Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de>

> Hi Simon,
> Shenfeng Liu schrieb:
>> I went through all the implemented features and enhancements for 3.5.0,
>> added/removed the Target Milestone value to some of the records.
>> And I created a query *TargetTo350FEATURE_Fixed* that can be easier for us
>> to write release notes:
>> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/**buglist.cgi?cmdtype=dorem&**
>> remaction=run&namedcmd=**TargetTo350FEATURE_Fixed&**sharer_id=249089<https://issues.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=dorem&remaction=run&namedcmd=TargetTo350FEATURE_Fixed&sharer_id=249089>
>> I hope people can check the query and confirm the features/enhancements.
>> As
>> Arial pointed out in another mail, my reading from the issue history may
>> not be consistent with the code.
>> I will continue to check the defects, which may take more time...
>> Currently
>> there are 175 per TargetTo350AllFixed .
> I do not think, that a query for a milestone in Bugzilla is really
> reliable. If you will try a query nevertheless, a query for commenter
> "svnbot" catches all issues, where the committer has written a bug ID into
> the commit message,  http://s.apache.org/kT.
> But that will still not catch all relevant issues. To get really all
> changes you need to look at the commit log.
> Regina,
  Thanks for the explanation! svnbot comment is the thing I will check when
I mark the Target Milestone (in fact I will check all the comments and
change history when I'm going to change the Target Milestone). While I also
understand that there are code delivery without associated Bugzilla
record... So I hope the Bugzilla query can be an easy start point and cover
most of the cases, then input for those not covered. Though IMHO, I'd like
to advocate the tracing of all changes in Bugzilla.

- Simon

> Kind regards
> Regina

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