On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Justin Erenkrantz <jus...@erenkrantz.com>wrote:

> I'm moving this thread over to con...@apache.org which is the right
> address to continue this conversation.
> +1 for the event - you all have run this type of event several times
> before, so I trust that you know what you are doing and will put on a
> terrific event for the local audience!
> Please let me know if there's anything we can do on our end to assist.
> Good luck!  -- justin
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:38 AM, Jimmy,Jing Lv <firep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello community, board,
> >
> >        We are planning the Apache Asia Roadshow 2012. This year we've got
> > sponsor from cloud valley world (
> http://www.cloudvalleyworld.com/index.php)
> > and China Opensource Promotion Union(http://www.copu.org.cn/), and it
> will
> > be held in Beijing. Here is the plan:
> > 1. The target date is one day after the cloud valley world event, Dec
> 13th
> > (BTW, the cloud valley world has invited some key person in China IT
> > Industry, including VP MSFT China, VP Intel China, CTO Alibaba etc, it's
> a
> > great if Apache/open source can speak aloud). We got sponsor from the
> > CloudValleyWorld for the conference room (in Beijing, ZhongGuanCun)
> > 2. It'll be one-day event, including 3 key speaker and 4+ sessions. And
> plan
> > to have 100+ audiences.
> > we plan the main topic around cloud computing: open source really
> produce a
> > basement  to the cloud computing, like Apache Hadoop and cloudstack;
> welcome
> > any open source topic in or out of this area.

The Apache OpenOffice community has a significant local representation in
Beijing. I'm cc'ing the community
to alert our Chinese contributors to reach out to you and explore the
possibility of adding an Apache OpenOffice
session to increase its visibility. We just graduated to an Apache TLP, so
we have a solid foundation upon which
to build with a strong global community. The Chinese community is very
important and making a large contribution.

Sheng Feng Liu, what do you think?

> > 3. As last event, we may setup the homepage, and T-Shirt/Flyer etc will
> be
> > prepared
> >
> >       We'd like to request the approval for this event, and will post in
> the
> > Apache Conference list with the detail plan, agenda and budget.
> >       We'd like invite someone from board or our member to attend this
> > event. Please tell us if interested.
> >
> >       Any suggestions/comments? Thanks!
> >
> > --
> >
> > Best Regards!
> >
> > Jimmy, Jing Lv
> > Apache Member

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