On 11/1/12 5:38 PM, jan iversen wrote:
> Please excuse me, I think I know the difference between hooligans and
> people who are just blowing hot air.
> To be honest, at the moment AOO does NOT have a great deal of momentum, and
> have (I think) lost a quite a lot of reputation among developers. That is
> something we have to remedy, not by glittering folders, or smart marketing,
> but by showing the developers, that we really care about their
> contributions.
> If I may say so, some developers might see "the apache way" as a
> limitation, which my experience during the last month somewhat confirms, I
> think we really need to focus on "the community" instead of telling people
> about legal issues, but about getting a product that still can out beat the
> big (costly) products out there. Do NOT forget some state institutions in
> EU choose OpenOffice against other, but today I would not be so sure !!!
> Sorry for the outburst, but I am used to say what I think, and I really
> really want AOO to be the opensource project, as it was in the past. Lets
> not forget why we are all here.....

well spoken, I can only agree.

I think it was important to make it public that strange things are going
on and that we don't support such a style. More important is that we
focus on our project and that we welcome everybody who is interested to
work on one of most important and biggest open source projects.

Come and ask -> we the community will answer
Come and do something -> we the community will guide you and will help you
Come and have fun with us -> the pay for your work/contribution is the
assurance that you help to make a product better that is used by
millions of people all over the world. More than 22 million downloads,
~1 million per week. That is motivation from my point of view and we can
do better in the future ;-)

Let us have fun and let us continue our way.


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