
On 11/02/2011 07:48 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 3:09 AM, Michael Adams<>  wrote:
Who now owns the website domain name?

What i am really asking is, how easy would it be to set up a temporary
forwarder for emails to a moderator from and If you own the A record and the mail server
it is easy.

My main concern stems from the fact that together they still generate
as much if not more mail/queries than this list.

Have yous seen the user list traffic lately?  Seems to be mainly
out-of-the-office notifications and users confused about how to
unsubscribe.  That leads to a death spiral for a list, as more of this
noise drives more people to unsubsbcribe.

In any case, we need to help users resusbcribe to the new list if they
want to continue participation.  The old list is not coming down
immediately, like this week or anything.  So we have time for an
orderly migration.

What would you suggest as an orderly migration path? From what I am reading on this list, the old lists are simply going to die, following messages (already sent?) that users need to re-subscribe to the @apache lists. (I forebear commenting on that strategy, it is the official one and unlikely to change.)

Question: Should someone ask Oracle for the subscriber list? If we had that list, does Apache policy allow us to subscribe those subscribers to the new Apache lists?

Would impact users' mailing filters but some things can't be helped.

Hope you are having a great week!


PS: As an alternative, that is if Apache policy does not allow the mass re-subscription approach, we could view this as an opportunity for some of those interested in ODF to broadcast the move to Apache. Something suitable on the homepages or similar locations of Oracle, IBM, MS and other entities might be a nice touch. A little PR for Apache and getting people to notice the new locations/mailing lists, etc. Something for everyone. (Above my paygrade but the large vendors talk to each other all the time so I leave that conversation up to them.)

Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

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