On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Brandon Cherry
<bran...@safedatausa.com> wrote:
> Thanks Mark, this also answered another question I had been wondering
> about. (What does .nil, .true, and .false map to in C++?)


One thing if you just glance at the code:

.nil maps to context->Nil()
.true maps to context->True()
.false maps to context->False()

Or really, to be more precise, the Nil(), True(), and False() APIs.

In the ooDialog code I use a technique where I use the
RequestGlobalReference() API to stash copies of these objects in some
global variables in the ooDialog code. I do that because those objects
are used so much in the code and this way there is not a request to
the interpreter kernel to pass the objects over each time.

TheTrueObj, TheFalseObj, and the TheNilObj are all not a part of the
C++ API, but rather of the ooDialog code.

Mark Miesfeld

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