The first beta of ooRexx 4.0.1 is now available at:

ooRexx 4.0.1 is a bug fix only release, there are no new features in
the release.  It is a wrap up of the bugs fixed since the 4.0.0

The ooRexx team appreciated the user community's work in testing the
4.0.0 release which surely made the release better.  Although there
are no new features in 4.0.1 the team would appreciate the same
testing effort by the community.  This can only make ooRexx better.

At this point, not all of the normal install packages are on
SourceForge. The install packages will be added as they get built.

Please report any bugs found using the Tracker bug reporting mechanism
on SourceForge:

Mark Miesfeld
for the ooRexx Team

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