FYI:  I probably won't have Internet access for the next couple of
weeks, so if you don't see any posts from me that is why.

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Rick McGuire <> wrote:

> I, for one, do not think this is a good idea.  You are using a
> starting point of the operating system, which is a mistake in my
> opinion.  The better starting point should be from the standpoint of
> the function you wish to provide, define the operations that class
> should provide and implement it in a way that the ooRexx programmer
> doesn't see a difference.

Rick, I'm glad to see your input on this.  I don't have any / much
experience designing classes, most of my programming is still straight
ANSI C.  So, I for sure could use some guidance.

I also, I think, see where David is coming from - he wants to get some
type of blueprint started.

Well, I see David already posted something.  And it is along the lines
of what I was going to ask, because the File class make a good example
for discussion.

So, what do you do about something like symbolic links, for another
instance?  Do you just leave that out of the File class?  Do you
create a separate Unix only class for things that have no comparable
function on Windows?

I can't see that it makes any sense to put it into the File class,
since there is no way it could be useful on Windows.

Mark Miesfeld


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