Here is a perfect example of the kinds of class structure problems I am 
trying to get defined.

Lets define a process class that also includes thread information. There 
are 3 OS APIs involved.


Lets say we want to define a generic class first and then subclass that 
as needed. The first thing we discover is that Windows has no easy way 
to give us the ppid or tid information. Those APIs are not exposed on 
Windows. Ok, sounds like we need a unix subclass for those two and we 
just leave them out of the generic class.

Now lets take getpid. It turns out that Windows has deprecated this API 
and now recommends using _getpid instead (for very legitimate reasons it 
turns out). Also, the include file that defines this API in Windows is 
process.h, not the same as needed in all *nix versions. So now the 
question becomes do we build one function with compile time macros to 
determine what include file and API to use? Or do we build one for *nix 
and one for Windows? And remember, we just have one API which seems 
total overkill to put into a library all by itself.

Next questions. Do we define dummy methods for getppid and gettid for 
the Windows specific class? Do we even define a Windows specific class?

These are the kinds of problems I am trying to define and create 
practical solutions for. If we build this kind of class hierarchy for 
other function sets then the programmer needs to understand how to 
construct the classes and how define them in a manner that matches other 
function sets. Just adding subclasses willy-nilly when we need them will 
lead to the kind of problems that Java is going through today - too many 
classes and no organization that can be recognized.

David Ashley


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