Also, some information about what you suspected was causing the problem might
give a nugget of information that could be useful in tracking down the cause. 
I didn't get as far as having a suspicion :-).   What I was doing (on the 3
occasions that seemed to be reproducible) was:
In a command window, running ELAP (the old VM shell I wrote but now run on
Typed in the command:
  c \tex\mi
(this is 'change to directory best matching '\tex' then to directory in that
that best matches 'mi').
The command causes ELAP to cals another Rexx program to 'expand' the argument to
a fully qualifed directory path (in this case "\text" because there was no match
to 'mi').
That is then effected by a call to the directory BIF to change ELAP's context to
the new directory and an actual CD command is issued to Windows so it knows
about the change too.
All of the above seemed to work as usual, with ELAP reporting that 'mi' was not
found and then displaying the Ready message and prompt, e.g.,:
  Ready; 2:29pm (09:29 EDT)
As that is displayed, Windows puts up the 'rxapi has stopped working' box -- on
cancelling that, everything seems to run normally.
So it's a bit mysterious -- something along the way broke, but ELAP itself
seemed to keep running just fine.
[All of this after a reboot, fresh install, and another reboot.]

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