Sorry I wasn't engaged in this topic earlier.  But, I don't agree with the
approach we've taken with this.

We have a perfectly good NSIS script that produces the NSIS installer on
Windows.  This script has been refined over the years until it is at the
point it is today.

I think we should just stick with it.

It took me about an hour to get it working with the CPack build.  It
doesn't make any changes to the way the non-CPack NSIS installer worked.
 And most of the time was because the CPack build isn't including some of
the *.cls files yet.  socket.cls, csvStream.cls, etc.. Also there was a
change to the API samples directory that was included in the the current
oorexx.nsi script

It is slightly awkward because you need to cd from the build directory to
the source directory and then run a long command line:

*C:\work.ooRexx\wc\build>cd \work.ooRexx\wc\main\platform\windows\install*


*C:\work.ooRexx\wc\main\platform\windows\install>makensis /DVERSION=4.3.0
/DNODOTVER=430 /DSRCDIR=c:\work.ooRexx\wc\m*
*ain /DBINDIR=C:\work.ooRexx\wc\build\bin /DCPU=x64 cpack.nsi*

That could be fixed with a simple Rexx or .bat script.

Using a CPack generated NSIS script has, I believe, some problems that will
force the next Windows installer to behave differently.

1.) We have the bin files being placed in a different directory.

2.) The CPack NSIS script writes the uninstall information to a different
registry location.  This will be a problem with the automatic
uninstallation of an existing install.  It will also cause problems with
the "upgrade" option on Windows.  Both of these can probably be fixed by
checking both registry locations.   But, still, that is a good bit of added

I know Rick has put in a lot of time on a CPack generated NSIS script.
 But, I think there is still a lot of time that needs to be spent on it.

I'm in favor of just sticking with our current script.

Mark Miesfeld
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