On 03.12.2018 15:13, Rick McGuire wrote:
> btw, this stacktrace is consistent with the mismatch theory. The 
> RexxAddMacro() api needs to
> dynamically resolve and resolve the address of the 
> RexxTranslateInstoreProgram() callback to
> translate the added macro. This stacktrace looks like what would happen if a 
> second version of the
> rexx library got loaded and called. None of the static variables in the 
> classes have been
> initialized, so there is an exception. Not a bug, but a problem in your setup.
Thanks, that is what I have feared!


I could verify that all the files from the CMake defined installation directory
(~/Application/ooRexx5.0.0/bin) are identical to the ones in /usr/local/bin and 
/usr/local/lib which
stem from the BSF4ooRexx installation files. Or with other words: all ooRexx 
related files are

Setting PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to ~/Application/ooRexx.5.0.0/bin makes the 
test run
successfully. (The ooRexx files used in the B4R installation package stem from 
that directory.)

As my Mac has been used for years for creating MacOS version of BSF4ooRexx and 
the installation
packages include ooRexx compiled on that machine over many years, I am not sure 
whether that may
have an influence on the result of running the Macrospace.testGroup.

Any hints, suggestions what might be a subtle cause for this behavior (where 
and in which order
would Darwin look for libraries) would be highly appreciated. (Maybe it has to 
do with the Framework
installation type?)


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