On 2020-08-17 08:07:13 Erich Steinböck wrote:
>  Linux ooRexx builds should default to /usr/local
        I have to agree with this.  Every time I upgrade my system I have to 
reinstall a long list of products; I have mapped /usr/local to a separate 
partition so that my additions don't disappear each time, but I'm still 
struggling to find a way to tell the installers (YaST and zypper) to put them 
there by default; some RPM packages are even built in such a way as to 
prohibit one from redirecting them to /usr/local !  It's an uphill battle.  
If ooRexx were to make /usr/local the default that would be a step forward.


> Enrico promised to provide CMake patches to introduce
> include(GNUInstallDirs) logic so that our build would follow the current
> GNU standard.
> Enrico, do you think you can still provide this?


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