I have written a rexx script that taps into the existing build process and 
build only those documents that have been changed. I have done it on macOS but 
it should work also on Windows. I had to set today as a starting point (the 
documents will get todays date) but they will show the correct revision number 
(when they were last changed). I hope this is fine.

For the upload I have added a folder 5.0.0test for comparing to existing 
documents in 5.0.0beta. I can merge them later.

Please have a look and see if you can spot any visual differences, I have 
checked that the correct fonts are embedded but I have not checked if the 
visual appearance is different on Windows compared to macOS. If accepted I will 
set up a macOS VM for this task and retire the current doc-build on Windows.

For completeness I included also the documentation in html form, This might be 
possible to upload maybe to https://www.oorexx.org/ <https://www.oorexx.org/> 
once we have an official version.

P.O. Jonsson

Oorexx-devel mailing list

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