I am sorry but I have to come back to this item:

>>> What is the difference between the milestones 5.0.0, 5.0.1 and 5.1.0?
>>> That indicates which release the change is going to ship on. Since the 
>>> 5.0.0 has already been released, that should never be used again. 5.0.1 
>>> would be a release that will contain only bug fixes to 5.0.0. The 5.1.0 
>>> release will contain new content, as well as bug fixes to 5.0.0 content. 
>>> Bug fixes like this one should be applied to both the trunk and the 5.0.1 
>>> branch and the 5.0.1 milestone used. 

Currently we do not have a 5.0.1 branch in SVN, so it is not possible to commit 
anything specifically to 5.0.1; all go into trunk which is then uploaded to 
5.1.0beta on sourceforge.

Are you saying that we should have branched off a 5.0.1 from 5.0.0? Where 
should it have gone? Into svn.code.sf.net/p/oorexx/code-0/main/branches/5.0.1?

I also looked at the revisions of all the twigs of .../oorexx/code-0/main/ and 
it seems that although we froze 5.0.0 on revision 12583 there are commits up to 
revision 12601, unclear how that can happen.

5.0.0 was branched off as <…>main/releases/5.0.0 whereas 4.2 and before were 
branched off as <…>main/releases/4.2.0/trunk, is this significant in any way?

Can all changes (5.0.1 and 5.1.0) stay in trunk? 

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