On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 12:22 PM ooRexx <oor...@jonases.se> wrote:

> I am sorry but I have to come back to this item:
> What is the difference between the milestones 5.0.0, 5.0.1 and 5.1.0?
>>> That indicates which release the change is going to ship on. Since the
>>> 5.0.0 has already been released, that should never be used again. 5.0.1
>>> would be a release that will contain only bug fixes to 5.0.0. The 5.1.0
>>> release will contain new content, as well as bug fixes to 5.0.0 content.
>>> Bug fixes like this one should be applied to both the trunk and the 5.0.1
>>> branch and the 5.0.1 milestone used.
> Currently we do not have a 5.0.1 branch in SVN, so it is not possible to
> commit anything specifically to 5.0.1; all go into trunk which is then
> uploaded to 5.1.0beta on sourceforge.
Sigh, it looks like an important item got deleted from the release process
check list. I know I highlighted this when we were starting up. At the
point where the release candidate gets moved from branches to releases, a
copy should have been made in branches with the fix level incremented (e.g.
5.0.0 -> 5.0.1). That branch also gets the changes made to change the build
number to the matching level. The only updates allowed to that branch are
big fixes we wish to ship in a bug-fix release. No new features can be
added to this branch. It would be nice if bug fixes get applied to both
trunk and the bug fix branch at the same time, but it is not necessary. If
we choose to ship a bug-fix release, we can review all of the pending bugs
in trunk and apply the changes to the bug-fix branch as part of the release

> Are you saying that we should have branched off a 5.0.1 from 5.0.0? Where
> should it have gone? Into
> svn.code.sf.net/p/oorexx/code-0/main/branches/5.0.1?
> I also looked at the revisions of all the twigs of .../oorexx/code-0/main/
> and it seems that although we froze 5.0.0 on revision 12583 there are
> commits up to revision 12601, unclear how that can happen.
> 5.0.0 was branched off as <…>main/releases/5.0.0 whereas 4.2 and before
> were branched off as <…>main/releases/4.2.0/trunk, is this significant in
> any way?

That was a mistake really. It just reflected how/where the copy was made

> Can all changes (5.0.1 and 5.1.0) stay in trunk?

All changes should be made to trunk. As I mentioned earlier, it would be
nice if they would also get applied to 5.0.1, but that can be sorted out
when the decision is made to make a bug-fix release.


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