
On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Kathy Lussier <kluss...@masslnc.org> wrote:
> This was briefly discussed during yesterday's meeting, but to properly
> identify these showstopper issues, should we be setting showstopper web
> client bugs to a priority of 'high' in Launchpad? Or is there another way we
> should be identifying them?

For now, I suggest marking them as high. There may also be a use for a
releaseblocker tag or the like, but not until after the beta.

>> A further implication is
>> that if you want to get a particular XUL-only bugfix into Evergreen,
>> you have until the 3.0.0 release candidate is cut on 27 September to
>> get it in.
> I recently used a xulclient tag for bugs with a pullrequest tag where the
> fix only applied to the xul client. I thought it would be useful for
> identifying these bugs during the Feedback Fest where quicker action might
> be needed so that they are merged before the 3.0 release. There were only
> two bugs at the time, and one has since been merged. If future XUL-only bug
> fixes are submitted, it might be useful to use this tag to bring some
> attention to the bug before the September 27 cutoff.

Sounds like a good idea to me.


Galen Charlton
Infrastructure and Added Services Manager
Equinox Open Library Initiative
phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
email:  g...@equinoxinitiative.org
web:  https://equinoxInitiative.org
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cell:   +1 404-984-4366

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