Hi, all.

I spent some time this morning looking at potential replacements for gitolite (see: https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:2017_new_tools). I made a number of edits to the dokuwiki page about it, most of which I subsequently deleted.

I had set up a gitlab test vm at CW MARS and some staff poked at it but for the most part, no one had time to really look at it. It basically got good reviews for what little it was used.

This morning, I created two local VMs on my laptop to test gitlab (again) and Phabricator (https://www.phacility.com/phabricator/).

My conclusions are that Phabricator is difficult to install on a modern Ubuntu as even their Ubuntu-specific instructions leave you with a bunch of errors to correct. (The quick install script only support Ubuntu 10.04!) While Phabricator looks like it has some interesting features, I can't recommend it because I gave up on installing it.

I think if we're serious about moving away from our current configuration, then we should either choose gitlab or set up a serious multi-user test site for gitlab so we can see how work flows, etc., will change as a result.


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