On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Tim Spindler <tjspind...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding the command line and the MFHD, will/does Vandelay support
> importing the MFHD fields?  We are hoping this will be our path to migrating
> serials data when we go live.

There is, indeed, such a command line tool.  The indomitable Dan Scott
added Open-ILS/src/extras/import/marc2sre.pl a while back for the
purpose of priming MFHD records.  It requires that you have the
internal ID of your Evergreen bib records embedded in the MFHD records
that link to said.  Beyond that restriction, you simply point it at
your MFHD MARC and it will generate a file full of 'sre' records
suitable for loading with pg_loader, just like 'bre' and 'are'

Mike Rylander
 | VP, Research and Design
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / The Evergreen Experts
 | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email:  mi...@esilibrary.com
 | web:  http://www.esilibrary.com

> ____________________________
> Tim Spindler
> Manager of Library Applications
> tspind...@cwmars.org
> 508-755-3323 x20
> C/W MARS, Inc.
> http://www.cwmars.org
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Repke de Vries <re...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> Dear Kathy
>> here at IISH ( http://www.iisg.nl) a team of testers has been sinking its
>> teeth in alpha4 Serials Management as well - even without the help of the
>> release notes you are mentioning: thanks for the pointer !!
>> Like you we hit stumbling blocks and will contact you off list the coming
>> Monday [1] if  we can work together getting a basic grip on functionality:
>> right now it is complete trial and error here in Amsterdam.  This
>> "documentation would help testing would help feedback to the [Serials,
>> Acquisition] developers" issue was also raised at the EG IRC Developers
>> meeting last Tuesday.
>> Right now I wish to bring up a related issue and would like to ask Dan
>> Wells or Lebbeous (sorry: don't know your first name) the following:
>> is there a command line MFHD importing script yet that will populate all
>> the Serials Management related database tables ?
>> That would fast track functionality testing and down the road I guess your
>> library Dan (Wells) would need to import legacy MFHD data just as much as
>> IISH needs to do so for that part of our collection where the "raw MFHD
>> record editing" [2] approach is not enough.
>> Thanks, Repke Eduard de Vries, IISH
>> [1] also impressed with your work here Kathy:
>>  http://masslnc.cwmars.org/node/2039  (to the extent that we have access)
>> [2] we are well aware of Dan Scott's work here:
>> http://svn.open-ils.org/trac/ILS/browser/trunk/Open-ILS/tests/datasets/README
>>  ;
>> works fine but not for all of our serials collection
>> Op 5-nov-2010, om 16:19 heeft Kathy Lussier het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've been digging into serials on a 2.0 alpha4 installation by following
>>> the
>>> notes at
>>> http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=acq:serials:release_notes:initial_t
>>> runk_merge, but I've run into various stumbling blocks
> --
> __________________________
> Tim Spindler
> tjspind...@gmail.com

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