Thank you Lebbeous and Dan!

Lebbeous, I did indeed have more success with the alternate serials view. I
also like the wizards for creating publication patterns and issuances. I ran
across a little trouble generating the predictions, but there are a couple
of things I want to check on our end later this week to see if I can get it

Dan, thanks for taking a look into it! We had come across some of these
problems earlier in our testing, but, since we are still new to Evergreen,
it's difficult to know what is caused by a problem in our own setup and what
is a bug. I look forward to hearing what you find!


Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 756-0172
(508) 755-3721 (fax)
IM: kmlussier (AOL & Yahoo)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] 
> On Behalf Of Dan Wells
> Sent: Friday, November 05, 2010 8:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Serials in alpha4
> Hello Kathy,
> Thank you very much for this report. I am probably wrong, but 
> I think this might be the first report from anyone using 
> these interfaces outside of myself and the folks at Equinox, 
> and it is something I have really been hoping for. It is so 
> easy when testing one's own code to make many assumptions, 
> and some errors, once avoided, never resurface.
> This probably boils down to some small oversight on my part, 
> but I'll get to the bottom of it first thing Monday and let 
> you know what I find.
> Sincerely,
> Dan
> **************************************************************
> *******************
> Daniel Wells, Library Programmer Analyst 
> Hekman Library at Calvin College
> 616.526.7133
> >>> "Kathy Lussier" 11/05/10 11:18 AM >>>
> Hi all, 
> I've been digging into serials on a 2.0 alpha4 installation 
> by following the 
> notes at 
> runk_merge, but I've run into various stumbling blocks and 
> can't get to the 
> point where I can successfully receive an issue. I'm not sure 
> if I'm doing 
> things incorrectly, if the problems I've run across are for 
> areas that are 
> still being worked on, or if they are bugs I should be submitting. 
> I have created templates using the copy templates editor, but 
> when I create 
> a distribution, this template is not populating the template 
> dropdown menus. 
> After I save the distribution, I can go into the database to 
> associate the 
> distrubtion with my template, but I'm wondering if anyone has 
> had success 
> identifying the template in the UI. Also, nothing appears in 
> the dropdown 
> menus for call numbers, and I'm not sure how to add one. 
> Once I create the distribution, I can successfully create a 
> caption/pattern 
> and the first issuance using the sample pattern codes and 
> holdings code 
> provided in the notes. When I make predictions for the 
> subscription, I 
> receive a message similar to the one in the attached image on 
> each item for 
> which I am creating a prediction. However, despite these 
> popup boxes, the 
> system does create the issuances after completing this process. 
> I then head over to the items tab for the record, click on 
> one of the items, 
> and then click the receive button to try to receive an issue. 
> The system 
> returns an error message and is unable to receive the item. I 
> suspect some 
> of the problems I came across earlier in the process may be 
> responsible for 
> the fact that I can't receive an issue. Has anyone 
> successfully received an 
> item in serials? 
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! 
> Kathy Lussier 
> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Kathy Lussier 
> Project Coordinator 
> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative 
> (508) 756-0172 
> (508) 755-3721 (fax) 
> IM: kmlussier (AOL & Yahoo) 
> Twitter: 

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