Can you give us some examples of the patterns that you attempted, and
details of how they didn't work, like the volume, issue, date information
for the issue before and after the real change, and what the predictions

- David

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 06:22, Marjolein Kremer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have been trying to predict a weekly serial. We tried several options
> for the enumeration.
> We always used the option: restarts at unit completion. We did not use a
> calendar change. We used the option Can compress or expand.
> We never got a working pattern (either it changed years during the same
> volume, or it did not even generate the prediction). The only option that
> worked was Year, nr.
> Has someone succeeded in making a working "weekly" pattern?
> Marjolein Kremer
> Books and Serials Acquisitions

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