
Maybe the following questions are slightly silly but I'll be courageous enough and ask them anyway ;-):

Question # 1 - concerning cataloging templates in staff client (for EG 2.0 or the latest release):

Is there a way to make (customized) textual descriptions of MARC fields visible - instead of the usual tags? E.g., to see "Title Statement" (or a translation of this expression into the Czech language or other words which can be helpful to the cataloger) instead of "245"? Now the tags are visible straightaway and the description is visible as an alternative text only... I am well aware that this may not be possible without some hacks (in that case I wouldn't go for it) but in case it is possible to make it happen without severely wounding Evergreen, it may be a path to follow (at least for us :-)...

Question # 2 - concerning shortuct keys in staff client (also for EG 2.0 or the latest release):

If one opens the staff client, chooses an item from the menu and then the subitem, in some cases some letters are underlined and that letters (in each case a single letter) are a part of the shortcut key. My questions is this - how are these letters chosen? As we use both the native English and the translated Czech version of the staff client, this would be a very useful piece of information for us...

Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas regarding these two topics!


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