As a new site coming online, the version information will be helpful as I would know which sites have installed the same (current) version that I am working to install and would have the same/similar installation/build issues. We are also building from scratch with no conversion--which appears to be uncommon.
Rev. James R Shaw
Vice President of Administration - CIO/CTO
Walther Theological Seminary
On 2013-12-20, at 13:32 , Erica Rohlfs <> wrote:

Happy Holidays!

I would like to begin updating the Roster of Evergreen Libraries on the Evergreen Wiki. It?s been on my to-do list for a few months now. My hope is to have it updated in time to,
hopefully, help whoever volunteers to work on the Evergreen map.

Question: how important is it to have all the extra info, like Evergreen versions, OS, databases, etc, on this particular page? It is interesting information, but if it is not kept current,
it is not very useful ? just noise.

Aleksey Lazar
IS Developer and Integrator - PALS

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