

It can take up to 24 hours for the targeter to "recognize" a new copy.
Retargeting does not help, in our experience. Try waiting 24 hours (or
overnight) after the item is added to the database and then checking it



J. Elaine Hardy
PINES & Collaborative Projects Manager
Georgia Public Library Service
1800 Century Place, Ste 150
Atlanta, Ga. 30345-4304

404.235-7201, fax

From: open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org
[mailto:open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of
Elisabeth Keppler
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:05 AM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Holds placed prior to status change


We're new to Evergreen and have been struggling with holds on new items.
We've had issues with Find Another Target messing up the holds queue, but
we may have been doing it incorrectly.  


When you say to "Find Another Target for the hold on top of the queue",
Tina, do you mean the first hold that appears when we click on View Holds
for the record?  This seems to be the newest hold and might not be for our
library's patron.  (We're in the NC Cardinal consortium.  Since we use
6-month age hold protection, holds outside Forsyth County won't be filled
by new items we add here.)  We tried filtering to holds for just the
branch where the new item was added, but that seems to have caused
problems.  Would you mind elaborating on your recommendation?


Thanks very much,

Lise Keppler

Forsyth County Public Library


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:36 PM, Tina Ji (Project Sitka)
<t...@sitka.bclibraries.ca> wrote:

Hi Deana,

If your 'missing' and 'trace' statuses are non-holdable, this is probably
the expected behaviour. We experience the same thing with our hold
targeter running every 15 mins for new holds (placed within 24 hours) and
daily for old holds (placed 24 hours ago). So new holds may be targeted by
a copy with newly achieved holdable status, but not the old ones.

The opportunistic capture is related to the hold_copy_map, which is
updated by the hold targeter, thus updated daily for old holds. Items with
newly achieved holdable status is not in that table for old holds.

We advise our sites doing Find Another Target for the hold on top of the
queue or waiting for a day. The checkin modifier: Retarget Local Hold may
help, to some extent.


Quoting Deana Cunningham <deana.cunning...@granvillecounty.org>:

Hi great brain!

I was playing around today on our test server and have a question  about
hold triggering. After an item has a status change to  "missing" or
"trace", any holds placed prior to that change are not  getting triggered
upon item check in. I have tried checking the item  in numerous times (to
see if maybe the first time when it changes  the status back to
"reshelving" it would activate the hold for  capture at the next check in,
but it did not. Placing a new hold on  the item after the status has been
changed back to "reshelving"  causes that hold to be triggered on
subsequent check ins, but the  hold placed before changing to "trace" or
"missing" is not triggered.

Something I'm missing here?

I also realize the item should be caught during the regular "check  for
holds" cron job (which is another problem we're having) but I am  only
looking at opportunistic hold capturing right now.



Deana Cunningham
Branch Manager, South Branch Library
1550 S. Campus Dr.
Creedmoor, NC 27522
Phone: (919) 528-1752 <tel:%28919%29%20528-1752> 
Fax: (919) 528-1376 <tel:%28919%29%20528-1376> 

Tina Ji
Trainer/Help Desk Specialist
BC Libraries Cooperative/Sitka



Lise Keppler

Forsyth County Public Library

660 W 5th St

Winston Salem NC 27101


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