I'd argue for "No" on the creation of an acquisitions list. Mainly for
the same reasons that the administrators' list was shut down and that I
disagree with the creation of a circulation list.

I think the discussion of Angularization of acquisitions interfaces
belongs on the development list and not on the catalogers, general, or a
new list. If you want to discuss how the interface looks and works,
you're a developer whether or not you write code, like it or not.

Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary, etc.

On 04/21/2017 08:27 AM, Elaine Hardy wrote:
> Christine,
> Works for me....
> Elaine
> J. Elaine Hardy
> PINES & Collaborative Projects Manager
> Georgia Public Library Service/PINES
> 1800 Century Place, Ste. 150
> Atlanta, GA 30045
> 404.235.7128 Office
> 404.548.4241 Cell
> 404.235.7201 FAX
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 5:59 PM, Christine Burns
> <christine.bu...@bc.libraries.coop
> <mailto:christine.bu...@bc.libraries.coop>> wrote:
>     Hello
>     The Acquisitions Interest Group is requesting an Acquisitions
>     specific listserv.  Currently Acquisitions falls under the
>     Cataloguers list with the rest of technicial services.  During the
>     Acquisitions Interest Group meeting at the Evergreen Conference this
>     month the group discussed the need for an Acquisitions specific
>     listserv to facilitate AIG activity. We are anticipating an
>     increased amount of Acquisitions specific discussions during the
>     Angularization of the Acquisitions module in the web client. 
>     This topic is open for discussion please voice your opinion by
>     *Friday May 5th*.
>     A copy of the meeting minutes can be found on the Acquisitions
>     Interest Group wiki page here -
>     https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=acq:interest-group
>     <https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=acq:interest-group>
>     Thank you
>     Christine
>     -- 
>     Christine Burns
>     Co-op Support
>     BC Libraries Cooperative
>     Ph: 1-888-848-9250 <tel:(888)%20848-9250>
>     https://bc.libraries.coop
>     https://status.libraries.coop/

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