
We are on 2.12.4 and have been experiencing errors when trying to import records using various fields such as title or author. From the osrfsys.log it is clear that the records are actually found but they fail to come up on the (either desktop or web client) screen.

The error looks like this:

Network or server failure. Please check your Internet connection to 212.osvobozena-knihovna.cz and choose Retry Network. If you need to enter Offline Mode, choose Ignore Errors in this and subsequent dialogs. If you believe this error is due to a bug in Evergreen and not network problems, please contact your help desk or friendly Evergreen administrators, and give them this information:

We are sure that there is no network failure (and we have been experiencing these issues from two separate Evergreen installations).

Any ideas what may be wrong?

Thanks in advance!


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