> I discovered 2 machine, 10 targets,out of which
> performed login on 2) and 5 targets,out of
> which performed login on 3).I am using IET target and 'iscsi-initiator-
> utils-' initiator.
> So at present there are 5 connections on initiator.suddenly if
> initiator reboots.
> we are having following code in 'iscsi' service
> iscsiadm -m node --logoutall=all(stop function)
> iscsiadm -m node --loginall=automatic(start function)
> But disadvantage is that it will login to all 15 targets from both
> 7.50 and 7.51 machines,and not 5 which already were there.This is

Do you have only the target records you want to log into automatically 
marked as node.startup=automatic?

> because previous discovery entry is still there in "/var/lib/iscsi/
> nodes" and "/var/lib/iscsi/send_targets".

I didn't follow you when you meantioned the previous entry. Are you 
running the iscsiadm discovery command at some point during startup?

> If I commented above 2 lines from 'iscsi' service,It works fine for
> stop,start,restart service operations.i.e.initiator is restoring only
> connections which were there previously.

Aare you running a custom script that logs into specific targets or how 
do you log into targets if the init script does not run loginall=automatic?

> But this doesn't work across reboot.I lost my 5 connections after
> reboot though above 2 lines were commented.
> Thus,what should I do for persistent connections across reboot?

I think you just want to set the targets you want to log into with the 
node.startup = automatic. When that loginall=automatic gets run, it will 
only log into those targets.

iscsiadm -m node -T target -p ip:port -o update -n node.startup -v startup

I think with IET you can set up lists to control how can log into which 
target. Does that work for you?

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