I have backed out the original changes via svn revision 512327 -- just did
it this morning.  Dave will create a JIRA report for this optimization so
that we can work through the issues and then we'll integrate a new set of


On 2/22/07, Abe White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 3. OpenJPA does support a means of passing Oracle hints along
> through to
> the DBDictionary. Should we be trying to reuse some of the
> capabilities
> here?


> 4. In the following snippets, I'd rather if we used 'Integer.valueOf
> (1)'
> or, better yet, a symbolic constant, instead of creating new
> integer all
> the time.
>> +        fetch.setHint("openjpa.hint.optimize", new Integer(1));
>> +            _query.getFetchConfiguration().
>> +                    setHint("openjpa.hint.optimize", new Integer(1));

Use serp.util.Numbers.valueOf(x).
But actually I think both of these calls have to be more thoroughly
re-thought.  The FetchConfiguration is around for the life of the
Broker/Query, and you're setting a hint on it that only applies to
the very next call.  What about all the other uses of the Broker or
possible other executions of the Query?

> 5. I don't like the name 'openjpa.hint.optimize', as it's a bit
> ambiguous as to what's being optimized. I don't really know what
> 'optimize for' does, so I'm just guessing here, but how about
> 'openjpa.ExpectedRecordCount'?

+1  But should be openjpa.hint.XXX -- see OracleDictionary.SELECT_HINT.

I think we should move all this to a
SelectExecutor.ExpectedResultCount property.  It could replace the
current Union.isSingleResult property.  The user can set an expected
result count via the Query hint API, and it will get set into the
Select.  In cases where a query range is set the property will return
the max - min of the range.  And in cases where we know there's only
one result like find() calls (actually JDBCStoreManager.load) we can
use the property directly internally.  The DBDictionary can then ask
the Select for the expected count and do what it wants with it when
creating the SQL.

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