Hi Michael,

Thanks for all the work.

I thought we were going to also release a maven download for the jar file containing all the openjpa stuff and a pom that contains the dependencies. This would enable folks using maven to simply put the five lines of code naming the dependency into their pom and put the incubating repository into their maven repositories list and they would be done.

Was I just dreaming this up?



On Apr 12, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Michael Dick wrote:

OpenJPA People-

In accordance with the Incubating Releases guidelines at
http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/ Incubation_Policy.html#Releases , I've taken a shot at making a release and start a vote on publishing a "
0.9.7-incubating" release of OpenJPA.

The release candidate is at:
http://people.apache.org/~mikedd/staging-repository/org/apache/ openjpa/openjpa-project/0.9.7-incubating/openjpa-project-0.9.7- incubating-binary.zip

The GPG signature and MD5 checksums are at:
http://people.apache.org/~mikedd/staging-repository/org/apache/ openjpa/openjpa-project/0.9.7-incubating/openjpa-project-0.9.7- incubating-binary.zip.asc http://people.apache.org/~mikedd/staging-repository/org/apache/ openjpa/openjpa-project/0.9.7-incubating/openjpa-project-0.9.7- incubating-binary.zip.md5

The sources, sources GPG signature and sources MD5 checksum are available
http://people.apache.org/~mikedd/staging-repository/org/apache/ openjpa/openjpa-project/0.9.7-incubating/openjpa-project-0.9.7- incubating-source.zip http://people.apache.org/~mikedd/staging-repository/org/apache/ openjpa/openjpa-project/0.9.7-incubating/openjpa-project-0.9.7- incubating-source.zip.asc http://people.apache.org/~mikedd/staging-repository/org/apache/ openjpa/openjpa-project/0.9.7-incubating/openjpa-project-0.9.7- incubating-source.zip.md5

I have tagged the sources at:
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/openjpa/tags/0.9.7- incubating/

Please vote to publish this incubating release on the project Web page:


This vote will remain open until 5:20 CST on Tuesday April 17th (three
business days).
A "+1" indicates that you approve of the release, a "-1" indicates a
vote against making a release

-Michael Dick

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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