I am a student learning to use OpenSCAP and I was able to easily install it
in Ubuntu 17.04. Content, however, does not appear  to be installed since I
get a greyed out screen when I run it.

However, it then said (here:
http://static.open-scap.org/scap-workbench-1.1/#_obtain_scap_content ) that
I could do the following line to obtain content:
apt-get install scap-security-guide

However, when I do that, it says the package doesn't exist. So I searched
around and found out that you can go to packages.ubuntu.com and see if the
package is listed there. It is not, thought Scap workbench is - which
explains how I was able to easily download it using apt.

Any thoughts on how to get this working?  I tried the other option from the
manual (involving git) but that ran into a fatal error.

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